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Panos is Belgium’s go-to destination for breakfast, lunch, and snacks. With over 270 shops, Panos is a beloved staple and a proud member of the La Lorraine Bakery Group (LLBG). Each cluster of shops has its own unique approach tailored to the local market. Pixel Inspiration transforms this vision into flawless physical and digital marketing solutions – or as we like to call it, a “Phygital” strategy.
The Challenge
Back in 2015, Panos set out to reinvent its customer experience and strengthen it with targeted marketing campaigns tailored to the unique features of each location. With variations in language, pricing, and products, the task was anything but simple. Manual processing was time-consuming, error-prone, and added strain to the marketing team.
Enter Pixel, armed with a mighty fine solution: Dynamic Pricing Tool. This digital integration platform automated complex processes and was fine-tuned to Panos’ specific needs. By collaborating with our software partner Telelogos, we integrated dynamic data flows into digital menu boards. The result? Panos can deliver the right message to the right customer at the right time, tailored by location, language, price, and cluster. A win-win for customer experience and operational efficiency.
The solution in action
Today, more than 150 digital signage players power dynamic menu boards across most Panos shops. Screens from renowned brands like Samsung, Philips, and LG ensure flawless, synchronised content updates.
Pixel Inspiration continues to replace older installations with sleek, modern digital screens. Simultaneously, we manage all content via the Dynamic Pricing Tool, delivering unmatched flexibility and precision.
In addition to digital signage, we supply printed POS materials through our parent company, Staci. From production and packaging to distribution, we ensure every marketing piece lands exactly where and when it’s needed.
Our Dynamic Pricing Tool, designed by our in-house UX designers, has drastically reduced operational complexity for Panos. Dynamic menu boards and automated content management elevate the customer experience to new heights, making marketing campaigns more efficient than ever.
Discover more on how dynamic pricing takes Panos to the next level in our blog.